Guidelines for our visitors entering the Museum

Wearing a mask
- Wear a mask before entering the Museum. Please note that you will not be admitted to the venue without a mask.
- Please refrain from visiting the Museum if you have any cold symptoms, such as a fever, cough, sore throat or sneezing.

Alcohol disinfection
- Please make sure to wash and sterilize your hands.
- Alcohol disinfectant spray will be placed in multiple locations.

Cooperation of temperature measurement
- All visitors are subject to temperature screening upon entry with the use of a non-contact infrared thermometer. Anyone with a temperature higher will not admitted to the Museum.
Please refrain from visiting the Museum if you have traveled, within the past two weeks, to a country or area subject to entry restrictions or quarantine on arrival by the Japanese government, or if you have had close contact with people residing in these places.

Avoid the Three Cs/Admission measures
- The number of visitors in each time frame will be limited due to our online reservations with the designated time and date of each visit.
- While viewing, please maintain a distance of more than one meter from other visitors by following the social distancing markers.
- Please refrain from running, acting up and talking in a loud voice.
- Elevator usage will be limited to those with reduced mobility.
- The entrance and exit are separate for visitors to follow a one-way route for smooth traffic lines avoiding close contact.
- In order to avoid close contact with other guests, please follow the route in one direction from the second level to the first. Re-entry is not allowed.
Our measures against COVID-19
Ventilation / disinfection
- Our AC system will be operated 24/7 to ventilate the venue.
- The facility will be disinfected and cleaned regularly.Places where people touch will be sterilized every two hours.
- While viewing, please maintain a distance of more than one meter from other visitors by following the social distancing markers. Please refrain from running, acting up and talking in a loud voice.
Other measures
- All staff attending visitors will wear face masks or shields.
- Partition shields will be installed at the reception counter, museum shop and cafe on the first floor.
- Please do not touch the exhibits, display cases, fixtures and walls.
- While viewing, please maintain a distance of more than one meter from other visitors by following the social distancing markers. Please refrain from running, acting up and talking in a loud voice.
Exhibition to be paused
- We will stop exhibiting exhibits that can be touched by hand.
-Welcome Salon: Chairs and tables
-World and the Olympics zone: Sports gear (replicas) from the ancient Olympic Games
-Game zone: Target and Balance
-Story of Olympism zone: Tablet terminals
Services and equipment to be suspended
- We will stop issuing admission tickets for the time being.
- The number of lockers available will be reduced.
- Guidance by our guide staff
Information and Guidelines for Visitors
Ticketing Procedure
- Please refrain from eating and drinking in the Museum.
- Please reserve your ticket(s) at our website. Reservations are not available by phone.
- Reservations are accepted based on the capacity for each time frame.
- You will need to leave the venue within one hour.
- You may not be able to enter if you arrive late.
- There are no additional fees for online ticketing; please pay the admission fee upon arrival.
- Due to the online ticketing system, all exhibition areas including the Welcome Area on the first floor will be open only for guests with tickets.Admission fees remain the same for all categories: adults (\500), senior citizens aged 65 or over (\400) and free for those with disability certificates plus one caregiver as well as high school students and younger.
- The maximum group size is five people. Reservations are not possible for larger groups.
(If there are more than five visitors in your party, please make reservations in groups of five. If the capacity for the given time frame is filled up during the process, some of you may need to visit at a different time than the others in your group.) - Please fill in the names, contact information (email address, etc.) and domiciles of all the visitors including yourself. Personal information (names and contact information) will only be used for processing your reservation. The data will be preserved for 14 days following your visit; then, if there were no COVID-19 infections among the Museum visitors, the data will be destroyed.
- However, if an infection is found among the visitors, we will cooperate with public institutions such as public health centers. If the authorities request information for contact tracing, we may submit your name and contact information (email address, etc.) provided at the time of booking without giving you any prior notice.
Privacy Policy
The personal information provided for your reservations will be handled appropriately based on our privacy policy. For information on the JOC Privacy Policy, please visit April 1, 2005
The Japanese Olympic Committee (JOC) shall endeavor to protect personal information in accordance with the policy set forth below in order to comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (fully effective as of April 1, 2005) and take all possible measures for the protection of personal information (including names, dates of birth, and all other information that can identify living individuals).
Acquisition and use of personal information
The JOC shall acquire personal information through appropriate procedures including disclosure of the purposes of use and shall use not personal information for any purpose other than the stated purposes. -
Restrictions on the provision of personal information to third parties
Except in cases where the requirements of laws and regulations are satisfied, the JOC shall not provide or disclose personal information to third parties without the individual’s prior consent. -
Management of personal information
The JOC shall accurately and securely manage personal information and take appropriate measures to prevent loss, tampering, and leaks. -
Disclosure, correction, supplementation, and deletion of personal information
The JOC recognizes that individuals have the right to request disclosure, correction, supplementation, deletion, and so on of personal information that can identify them and shall respond promptly when such requests are made. -
Supervision of service providers handling personal information
In cases where the JOC outsources personal information handling services in whole or in part, the JOC shall impose on such service providers a duty to securely manage personal information and shall perform necessary and appropriate supervision. -
Thorough protection of personal Information
In order to carry out this policy, the JOC shall thoroughly inform its officers, employees, and other related persons (including service providers) and perform education and training on the protection of personal information.
Information on public transportation
The Museum has neither parking nor a bus zone for passengers to get on and off buses. Please use public transportation when visiting.
Other requests
- Please refrain from eating and drinking in the Museum.
- Although photography is allowed, flashes, tripods and close-up photography of materials and videography that may disturb other visitors are prohibited.
- We are not allowed to enter for the following purposes. Also, please note thatif you discover a similar behavior inside the building, you may be discharged.
-Political, ideological or religious principles, claims, public order, advertisingmaterials or ideas that violate moral content may be displayed or associated, ormay interfere with the operation of things or ceremonies that may be used fordemonstrations. Bulletin board, standing signboard, banner, flag, placard,number, document, drawing, printed matter, trademark, etc.
-Performing protest activities, demonstrations, meetings, solicitations,speeches, etc. that may hinder the smooth operation of the museum.
Updated Entry Requirements

Upon your visit, please show the staff at the entrance the QR code of your reservation shown in the email.
The QR code may not be displayed depending on the security settings of the device.
In that case, please show the screen of Mail or printed paper.

Please pay the designated admission fee at the ticket counter on the first floor.
Please present your identification indicating age, a disability certificate or student ID in order to receive your discount or free admission. Otherwise, you will be asked to pay the regular adult admission fee.
Note: We only accept cash and credit cards.

We may ask you to wait outside when the venue is congested.
You can enter the museum only on the date and time of your reservation.
If you arrive earlier than the reservation time. We will ask you to wait outside.